Moisturizing skin creams

Creams to moisturize facial skin

Characteristics of moisturizing creams

Moisturizing creams are used to recover the losses of water, minerals and vitamins losses suffered by the skin.

Day creams are used to moisturize the skin. It is necessary to apply a day cream suitable for the characteristics of each skin.

The best moisturizers for oily skin

For oily skin, a more watery day cream with a lower proportion of fat should be applied.

A cream with a cucumber base and some cocoa butter could be useful for these purposes.

The best moisturizers for dry skin

avocado for moisturizers
Avocado is part of the composition of many moisturizing creams

For dry skin, a cream that contains more fats is better to ensure that this type of skin stays more hydrated.

A day cream based on wheat germ oil, avocado oil, castor oil, soybean oil, beeswax and cocoa butter could serve adequately.

The best moisturizing creams for all skin types

Day creams with a base of sesame oil, walnut oil or corn germ oil can be used for all skin types.

Sesame oil is especially suitable for delicate skin.

Sesame oil is capable of providing a lot of smoothness to the skin, which is why it is used as one of the main oils for creams to treat wrinkles.

What should be done after applying moisturizer?

aceite de germen de trigo para cremas hidratantes
Cold-pressed oils such as avocado or wheat germ are used in moisturizing creams

It must be taken into account that, once the moisturizing cream has been applied, it is necessary to wait a while until the skin absorbs it properly. Therefore, make-up should not be applied immediately, but after a few minutes.

Types of moisturizing creams

Moisturizing creams can be of different types depending on the characteristics of the skin for which they are intended. Among the most important we can mention the following:

Creams for skin health

Creams for oily skin

Creams for dry skin

Creams for normal skin

Acne creams

Home beauty remedies

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
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