Pistachio in other languages

How to say pistachio in other languages?

Pistachio in Spanish, French, German, Italian…

Common English name: Pistachio, pistacio nut

Common name in other languages:

– Spanish / Castellano: Pistacho o Alfóncigo

Pistachio drawing

Pistachio drawing with fruits and leaves

– Catalan / Català: Festuc, pistatxer

– Galician / Galego: Pistachio, Pistache

– Portuguese / Português: Pistachio

– Basque / Euskara: Pistatxondoa

– Italian / Italiano: Pistacchio

– Romanian / Română: Fisticul

– French / Français: Pistachier, pistachier commun, pistachier cultivé, pistachier vrai

– German / Deutsch: Pistazienbaum

– Polish/ Polski: Pistacja właściwa

– Dutch /Nederlands: Pistache

– Norwegian /Norsk bokmål: Pistasj

– Finnish /Suomi: Mantelipistaasi

– Swedish /Svenska: Pistasch

– Turkish / Türkçe: Antepfıstığı

– Русский / Russian: Фисташка настоящая

  • Scientific name: Pistacia vera L.

punto rojo More information on pistachios

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 July, 2024

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