Lemon verbena characteristics

What is a lemon verbena plant?

Lemon verbena characteristics (Aloysia citrodora)

Common noun: Lemon verbena, Lemon beebrush, Lemonscented Verbena, Herb Louisa

Scientific noun: Aloysia citrodora Paláu

– Synonyms: Lippia triphylla (L’Hér.) O. Kuntze. = Lippia citrodora Kunth

Family: Verbena Family – Verbenaceae

Habitat: Native from South America, it can be found cultivated in many gardens and orchards, because its lemon-like scented leaves and flowers and because of its medicinal properties.

Description of Lemon Verbena

Scented, deciduous shrub of the Verbena Family – Verbenaceae – up to 2,5 m Erect stems, ligneous above. Lanceolate leaves, till 10 cm, in verticils of 3, petiolated. Flowers gathered in racemes, bell-shaped, purplish outside, more whitish inside. The fruit is a drupe.


A detail of the plant Dibujosparapintar.com

Native from South America, it can be found cultivated in many gardens and orchards, because its lemon-like scented leaves and flowers and because of its medicinal properties.

Picking-up and storing Lemon beebrush: Flowers will be picked up in summer. It is convenient to pick up the leaves before the plant bloom. Both should be dried in the shade and stored in cloth bags in a fresh and dry place.

Components of Lemon verbena

Essential oil very rich in:

– Citral: antibacterial, antihistaminic, fungicide, expectorant, anticancerous.

– Linalol: antibacterial, antiinflammatory,antiespasmodic, hepatoprotective.

– Camphene: antioxidant, expectorant

– Cineole

– Terpineol: antiasthmatic, antibacterial, antitussive, expectorant

– Caryophyllene: antiinflammatory, antiasthmatic, antibacterial, antitumor

– Limonene: antibacterial, anticancerous, antiespasmodic, expectorant

– Furocumarines

– Verbenone


punto rojo More information on medicinal plants

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

30 August, 2023

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