Yellow horned poppy characteristics


Characteristics of yellow horned poppy (Glaucium flavum)

Scientific noun: Glaucium flavum Crantz

Common noun:: Yellow Horned Poppy

Family: Poppy family – Papaveraceae

Habitat: Were does yellow horned poppy grow?

It can be found in salty, sandy places with much organic debris; river beds, dry paths, dunes, rocky places, etc.

Description of yellow horned poppy

Yellow horned poppy photo
Yellow horned poppy photo (Glaucium flavum)

Biannual plant of the Poppy family – Papaveraceae – up to 80 cm.

Its name comes from the Greek Glaukos, meaning ashy due to the white ash-like color of the plant.

Stems with yellow latex.

Thick leaves; lower ones with long petiole; upper ones unstalked, embracing the stems.

Yellow flowers, till 9 cm wide with four petals.

The fruit is a capsule, long, curved.

Active principles of yellow horned poppy

  • Alkaloids: glaucine, protopine,, chelidonine, chelerythrine, corydine,
  • Acids: Fumaric and chelidonic acids.

Active parts: The whole plant, specially the roots.

*Related information:

– Yellow horned poppy cultivation (Glaucium flavum)

– Yellow horned poppy properties

punto rojo More information on plants.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

31 August, 2024

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