Garlic characteristics

What is a garlic plant?

Characteristics of garlic (Allium sativum)

Common noun: Garlic

– Spanish / Español: Ajo

Scientific noun: Allium sativum L.

Family: Lily family- Liliaceae

Habitat: It is known from remote times, being you used by most of the cultures, from the old Egyptian, Roman,

garlic illustration
Garlic drawing

Greek until in the same India or Middle East. It seems that its origin is located in central Asia, from where it extended widely. It doesn’t appear naturalized.

Description of garlic plant

camaraPerennial plant of the Lily family Liliaceae – up to 1,5 m.

Flat leaves till 8 mm wide.

Greenish or whitish flowers, sometimes rosy, not very abundant (sometimes lacking) that stand out with their long peduncle on a head of little bulbs, surrounded by a very long spathe.

Bulb of garlic formed by a white cover inside which there are several little bulbs (cloves).

Components of garlic

*Related information:

Active principles of medicinal plant

Garlic cultivation

punto rojo More information on garlic

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 March, 2025

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