Study of flowers


The flower is the most conspicuous part of the plant. Their appeal has encouraged Man to know and possess them, developing such a human technique as gardening. But flowers have not been produced by plants for man’s sake. They are beautiful and fragrant to attract pollinators (insects, birds or bats) which play an important role in the reproductive process of pollinating.

Essentially the main function of the flower is to perpetuate the species, to produce seeds from which new plants will grow in the future.

partes de la flor


The corolla

Petals (1)

The calyx

Sepals (2)



Filament (3)

Anther (4)


Carpel or pistil

Estigma (5)

Style (6)

Ovary (7)

Ovules (8)


Thalamus (9)


The perianth

It is the non-reproductive section of the plant. It is formed by two different parts:

  • The corolla or coloured section of the flower, where the petals, or coloured pieces, can be found. They are meant to attract the pollen carriers, so they contain perfume and nectar.
  • The calyx is the green section of the flower. It is more consistent than the corolla. It is formed by green leaf- like pieces called sepals. They are meant to protect the flower bud.

Sometimes the petals and sepals show the same color. In this case, they are called tepals.

The androecium

It is the male reproductive part of the flower. We can find in it the stamens which were leaves that suffered a transformation to carry the pollen. Each stamen is divided into:

  • The filament a sort of stick, carrying on top of it a “little bag” loaded with pollen.
  • The anther is the “little bag” where pollen is contained.

The gynoecium

It is the female reproductive part of the flower. Is made by thecarpel, which, similar to a base-expanded bottle, stands upright in the middle of the flower. Its green color denotes it derives from a transformed leaf. It consists of three parts:

  • The stigma on top of it, designed to pick up the pollen.
  • The style is the connection tube between the stigma and the ovary.
  • The ovary is the expanded inferior part of the carpel. It contains the ovules waiting to be fertilized by pollen.

The receptacle

It is the lower structure which supports the flower. Besides protecting floral pieces, it takes care of the ovules, keeping them apart from animals. It is shaped like a cup, and it is called receptacle. The peduncle links the flower to the stem.

Activities about flowers

Choose the following activities to prove your knowledge about flower plants:

Test activity about tge parts of a flower


Choose the right answer in each group:

The stigma is the superior part of:

The stamen

The carpel

The calyx

The androecium is made of:




The corolla function is:

The reproduction

Decoration of home balconies

Insect atraction

Look at the picture and choose the answer/s:

Detalle de una antera

Arrow A points to the filament of a stamen

The arrow A points to a pistil

Arrow A points to the anther of a stamen

Arrow B points to a petiole

Arrow B points to the filament of a stamen

Arrow B points to an ovary

The pollen is where the arrow A points

To know more about “The flowers” Flowers: Types

punto rojo More information about plant cultivation.

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

31 August, 2024

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