Fig tree characteristics


Characteristics of fig tree (Ficus carica)

Scientific noun: Ficus carica L.

Common noun: Fig tree, fig, common fig

Family: Fig family – Moraceae

Habitat: Genuine from SW of Asia, it can be found naturalized in S. Europe, being present in rocky warm places of the Mediterranean zone. Highly cultivated because of its fruits and as an ornamental tree throughout Europe.

What is a fig tree like?

Ficus carica, general aspect of the tree

A fig or fig tree is a deciduous tree of the fig family – Moraceae– up to 4 m., much more wide than tall.

It has a smooth stems with grey bark.

Leaves are alternate, palmatifid with 3 to 5 round lobes, very rough to the touch above, pubescent below.

Flowers appear inside a pear-shaped receptacle which later becomes a fruit

The fruit ( fig) is green when unripe and matures into yellowish green or dark purple.

Components of fig tree

Active parts: Latex from leaves, stems and fruits, specially when they are raw.

Uses of fig tree

  • Edible fruits: Fig tree fruits (figs) are edible.
  • Medicinal uses : In internal use, they have been used to fight constipation, bronchitis In external use, latex is applied on warts to get rid of them.

Picking -up and storing figs

Figs must be collected when very well ripe at the beginning of summer or autumn. They should be laid on a wattle screen to make them dry. For storing put them into dry containers such as wooden or cardboard boxes.

punto rojo More information about fig tree and figs.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

31 August, 2024

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