Types of eucalyptus
How many eucalyptus are there?
Among the 600 species of the genus Eucalyptus, the ones that deserve special attention include:
- Black Box (Eucalyptus bicolor = Eucalyptus largiflorens): Australian species that can reach 18 meters of height. It has properties similar to white Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
Photo of Eucalyptus redunca River red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis): Australian species of up to 45 m in height. Can be found easily in this country along water courses. Species of particular interest because of its size to large gardens. For its continued resistance, it can be found in many parts of Asia and Africa. It has similar medicinal properties to Eucalyptus globulus.
- Lemonscented Gum (Eucalyptus citriodorus= Eucalyptus citriodora): white bark tree from Australia of up to 45 m in height. Named for the lemon scent that leaves, so that its essential oil is widely used in the perfume industry. Widely used by the hardness of its wood. It has similar medicinal properties to Eucalyptus globulus.
- Sugar gum : (Eucalyptus cladocalyx): A tree native to southern Australia. It reaches about 30 m. of height and it is characterized by keeping the bark on the lower trunk and its new leaves of pink color. The only references to its use are limited to use it as poison.
- Coolabah (Eucalyptus coolabah): Tree from Australia of up to 15 meters. It features white flowers. It grows in very arid areas and is characterized by keeping the bark on the trunk. It is used medicinally to disinfect cuts.
- White Mallee (Eucalyptus dumosa): It is a shrub up to 10 meters (One of the most representative of what in Australia is known as “mallees” dwarf eucalyptus characterized by having a short thick trunk and those born a series of very fine lateral branches that give the appearance of a bush. The term also refers to mallee forest type produced by this type of eucalyptus, preparations have been used this plant to combat cancer.
- White Eucalyptus = blue gum eucalyptus: (Eucalyptus globulus) The species most commonly used in herbal medicine and the most abundant in plantations outside Australia. (More information on their characteristics, cultivation, and medicinal properties in the listing below).
- Lerp Mallee (Eucalyptus incrassata) It is another species of the variety of mallee eucalypts. It has a maximum height of 8 meters. Virtually no trunk. It is known because natives used its wood for boomerangs. It has been used medicinally to heal wounds.
- Coolibah (Eucalyptus microtheca) reaches a height of 15 meters and grows in semiarid areas of Western Australia near puddles of water. Withstands drought well. It is characterized as one of the eucalyptus trees that has the smallest fruits. It has been used medicinally to heal wounds.
- Swamp Mahogany (Eucalyptus robusta) reaches about 30 m in height. It has a very hard wood that is prized for the manufacture of beams and boards. It has properties similar to white Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
- Red Eucalyptus = Red gum = Murray red gum (Eucalyptus rostrata = Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) Tree up to 45 m high, especially suitable for large gardens. White bark with red bands. It appears in Australia along the riverside forests, being commonly used as a shade tree. It holds both drought and floods. It has similar properties to white eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulustoquat)
- Coral gum flower (Eucalyptus torquata) Tree up to 6 m in height. Quite distinctive for its redorange fruits and for its long, curved leaves in both young and adult branches. It often takes on a “hanging look” because the branches bend under the weight of the fruits. It has been used medicinally to heal wounds.
List of species of the genus Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus acaciiformis Eucalyptus accedens Eucalyptus acmenoides Eucalyptus acroleuca Eucalyptus aenea Eucalyptus aequioperta Eucalyptus agglomerata Eucalyptus aggregata Eucalyptus alba Eucalyptus albens Eucalyptus albida Eucalyptus albopurpurea Eucalyptus alligatrix Eucalyptus ammophila Eucalyptus amplifolia Eucalyptus amygdalina Eucalyptus ancophila Eucalyptus andrewsii Eucalyptus angophoroides Eucalyptus angularis Eucalyptus angulosa Eucalyptus angustifolia Eucalyptus angustissima Eucalyptus annulata Eucalyptus annuliformis Eucalyptus apiculata Eucalyptus apodophylla Eucalyptus apothalassi Eucalyptus approximans Eucalyptus aquatica Eucalyptus aquilina Eucalyptus arachnaea Eucalyptus arborella Eucalyptus archeri Eucalyptus arenacea Eucalyptus argillacea Eucalyptus argophloia Eucalyptus argutifolia Eucalyptus argyphea Eucalyptus aromaphloia Eucalyptus articulata Eucalyptus aspersa Eucalyptus aspratilis Eucalyptus astringens Eucalyptus atrata Eucalyptus atrovirens Eucalyptus aureola Eucalyptus australis Eucalyptus badjensis Eucalyptus baeuerlenii Eucalyptus baileyana Eucalyptus bakeri Eucalyptus balanites Eucalyptus balanopelex Eucalyptus balladoniensis Eucalyptus bancroftii Eucalyptus banksii Eucalyptus barberi Eucalyptus baudiniana Eucalyptus baueriana Eucalyptus baxteri Eucalyptus beaniana Eucalyptus beardiana Eucalyptus beasleyi Eucalyptus behriana Eucalyptus bensonii Eucalyptus benthamii Eucalyptus beyeri Eucalyptus bicolor Eucalyptus bigalerita Eucalyptus biturbinata Eucalyptus blakelyi Eucalyptus blaxellii Eucalyptus blaxlandii Eucalyptus bleeseri Eucalyptus boliviana Eucalyptus bosistoana Eucalyptus botryoides Eucalyptus brachyandra Eucalyptus brachycalyx Eucalyptus brachycarpa Eucalyptus brachycorys Eucalyptus brachyphylla Eucalyptus brassiana Eucalyptus brevifolia Eucalyptus brevipes Eucalyptus brevistylis Eucalyptus bridgesiana Eucalyptus brockwayi Eucalyptus brookeriana Eucalyptus broviniensis Eucalyptus brownii Eucalyptus buprestium Eucalyptus burdettiana Eucalyptus burgessiana Eucalyptus burracoppinensis Eucalyptus cadens Eucalyptus caesia Eucalyptus calcareana Eucalyptus calcicola Eucalyptus caleyi Eucalyptus caliginosa Eucalyptus calophylla Eucalyptus calycogona Eucalyptus calyerup Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eucalyptus cambageana Eucalyptus cameronii Eucalyptus camfieldii Eucalyptus campaspe Eucalyptus camphora Eucalyptus canaliculata Eucalyptus candida Eucalyptus cannonii Eucalyptus canobolensis Eucalyptus capillosa Eucalyptus capitellata Eucalyptus capricornia Eucalyptus captiosa Eucalyptus carnabyi Eucalyptus carnea Eucalyptus carnei Eucalyptus castrensis Eucalyptus celastroides Eucalyptus centralis Eucalyptus cephalocarpa Eucalyptus ceracea Eucalyptus cerasiformis Eucalyptus ceratocorys Eucalyptus cernua Eucalyptus chapmaniana Eucalyptus chartaboma Eucalyptus chloroclada Eucalyptus chlorophylla Eucalyptus chrysantha Eucalyptus cinerea Eucalyptus citriodora Eucalyptus cladocalyx Eucalyptus clarksoniana Eucalyptus clelandii Eucalyptus clivicola Eucalyptus cloeziana Eucalyptus cneorifolia Eucalyptus coccifera Eucalyptus communalis Eucalyptus concinna Eucalyptus conferruminata Eucalyptus confluens Eucalyptus conglobata Eucalyptus conglomerata Eucalyptus conica Eucalyptus coniophloia Eucalyptus conjuncta Eucalyptus connerensis Eucalyptus consideniana Eucalyptus conspicua Eucalyptus conveniens Eucalyptus coolabah Eucalyptus cooperiana Eucalyptus copulans Eucalyptus cordata Eucalyptus coriacea Eucalyptus cornuta Eucalyptus coronata Eucalyptus corrugata Eucalyptus corticosa Eucalyptus corymbosa Eucalyptus corynodes Eucalyptus cosmophylla Eucalyptus costuligera Eucalyptus crebra Eucalyptus crenulata Eucalyptus creta Eucalyptus cretata Eucalyptus crispata Eucalyptus croajingolensis Eucalyptus crucis Eucalyptus cullenii Eucalyptus cunninghamii Eucalyptus cuprea Eucalyptus cupularis Eucalyptus curtisii Eucalyptus cyanoclada Eucalyptus cyanophylla Eucalyptus cyclostoma Eucalyptus cylindriflora Eucalyptus cylindrocarpa Eucalyptus cypellocarpa Eucalyptus dalrympleana Eucalyptus darwinensis Eucalyptus dawsonii Eucalyptus dealbata Eucalyptus deanei Eucalyptus debeuzevillei Eucalyptus decipiens Eucalyptus decolor Eucalyptus decorticans Eucalyptus decurva Eucalyptus deflexa Eucalyptus mckieana Eucalyptus medialis Eucalyptus mediocris Eucalyptus megacarpa Eucalyptus megacornuta Eucalyptus melanoleuca Eucalyptus melanophitra Eucalyptus melanophloia Eucalyptus melanoxylon Eucalyptus melliodora Eucalyptus mensalis Eucalyptus merrickiae Eucalyptus michaeliana Eucalyptus micranthera Eucalyptus microcarpa Eucalyptus microcorys Eucalyptus microcorys Eucalyptus microneura Eucalyptus microschema Eucalyptus microtheca Eucalyptus mimica Eucalyptus miniata Eucalyptus misella Eucalyptus mitchelliana Eucalyptus moluccana Eucalyptus mooreana Eucalyptus moorei Eucalyptus morrisbyi Eucalyptus morrisii Eucalyptus muelleri Eucalyptus muelleriana Eucalyptus multicaulis Eucalyptus myriadena Eucalyptus nandewarica Eucalyptus neglecta Eucalyptus nelsonii Eucalyptus neutra Eucalyptus newbeyi Eucalyptus nicholii Eucalyptus nigrifunda Eucalyptus niphophila Eucalyptus niphophila ‘pendula’ Eucalyptus nitens Eucalyptus nitida Eucalyptus nobilis Eucalyptus normantonensis Eucalyptus nortonii Eucalyptus notabilis Eucalyptus nova-anglica Eucalyptus novoguinensis Eucalyptus nutans Eucalyptus obconica Eucalyptus obesa Eucalyptus deglupta Eucalyptus delegatensis Eucalyptus delicata Eucalyptus dendromorphaEucalyptus densa Eucalyptus denticulata Eucalyptus depauperata Eucalyptus derbyensis Eucalyptus desmondensis Eucalyptus deuaensis Eucalyptus dielsii Eucalyptus diminuta Eucalyptus diptera Eucalyptus discreta Eucalyptus dissimulata Eucalyptus distans Eucalyptus divaricata Eucalyptus diversicolorKarri Eucalyptus diversifolia Eucalyptus dives Eucalyptus dolichocera Eucalyptus dolichorhyncha Eucalyptus dolorosa Eucalyptus dongarraensis Eucalyptus doratoxylon Eucalyptus dorrigoensis Eucalyptus drummondii Eucalyptus drysdalensis Eucalyptus dumosa Eucalyptus dundasii Eucalyptus dunnii Eucalyptus dura Eucalyptus dwyeri Eucalyptus ebbanoensis Eucalyptus educta Eucalyptus effusa Eucalyptus elaeophloia Eucalyptus elata Eucalyptus ellipsoidea Eucalyptus elliptica Eucalyptus erectifolia Eucalyptus eremaea Eucalyptus eremicola Eucalyptus eremophila Eucalyptus erythrandra Eucalyptus erythrocorys Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus erythrophloia Eucalyptus eudesmioides Eucalyptus eugenioides Eucalyptus ewartiana Eucalyptus exigua Eucalyptus exilipes Eucalyptus exilis Eucalyptus exserta Eucalyptus extensa Eucalyptus extrica Eucalyptus falcata Eucalyptus famelica Eucalyptus fasciculosa Eucalyptus fastigata Eucalyptus fergusonii Eucalyptus ferriticola Eucalyptus ferruginea Eucalyptus fibrosa Eucalyptus ficifolia Eucalyptus filiformis Eucalyptus fitzgeraldii Eucalyptus flavida Eucalyptus flindersii Eucalyptus flocktoniae Eucalyptus foecunda Eucalyptus foelscheana Eucalyptus foliosa Eucalyptus fordeana Eucalyptus formanii Eucalyptus forrestiana Eucalyptus fracta Eucalyptus fraseri Eucalyptus fraxinoides Eucalyptus froggattii Eucalyptus fruticosa Eucalyptus fulgens Eucalyptus fusiformis Eucalyptus gamophylla Eucalyptus gardneri Eucalyptus georgei Eucalyptus gigantangion Eucalyptus gilbertensis Eucalyptus gillenii Eucalyptus gillii Eucalyptus gittinsii Eucalyptus glaucescens Eucalyptus glaucina Eucalyptus globoidea Eucalyptus globulus Eucalyptus glomericassis Eucalyptus glomerosa Eucalyptus gomphocephala Eucalyptus gongylocarpa Eucalyptus goniantha Eucalyptus goniocalyx Eucalyptus goniocarpa Eucalyptus gracilisYorrel Eucalyptus grandifolia Eucalyptus grandis Eucalyptus granitica Eucalyptus grasbyi Eucalyptus greeniana Eucalyptus gregoriensis Eucalyptus gregsoniana Eucalyptus griffithsii Eucalyptus grisea Eucalyptus grossa Eucalyptus guilfoylei Eucalyptus gummifera Eucalyptus gunnii Eucalyptus gunnii divaricata Eucalyptus gunnii montana Eucalyptus gypsophila Eucalyptus haemastoma Eucalyptus haematoxylon Eucalyptus hallii Eucalyptus halophila Eucalyptus hamersleyana Eucalyptus hawkeri Eucalyptus hebetifolia Eucalyptus helidonica Eucalyptus herbertiana Eucalyptus histophylla Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus houseana Eucalyptus howittiana Eucalyptus hypochlamydea Eucalyptus hypostomatica Eucalyptus ignorabilis Eucalyptus imitans Eucalyptus imlayensis Eucalyptus impensa Eucalyptus incerata Eucalyptus incrassata Eucalyptus indurata Eucalyptus infera Eucalyptus insularis Eucalyptus intermedia Eucalyptus interstans Eucalyptus intertexta Eucalyptus intrasilvatica Eucalyptus jacksonii Eucalyptus jensenii Eucalyptus jimberlanica Eucalyptus johnsoniana Eucalyptus johnstonii Eucalyptus jucunda Eucalyptus jutsonii Eucalyptus kabiana Eucalyptus kakadu Eucalyptus kartzoffiana Eucalyptus kenneallyi Eucalyptus kessellii Eucalyptus kingsmillii Eucalyptus kitsoniana Eucalyptus kochii Eucalyptus kondininensis Eucalyptus koolpinensis Eucalyptus kruseana Eucalyptus kumarlensis Eucalyptus kybeanensis Eucalyptus lacrimans Eucalyptus laeliae Eucalyptus laevis Eucalyptus laevopinea Eucalyptus lamprocalyx Eucalyptus lane-poolei Eucalyptus langleyi Eucalyptus lansdowneana Eucalyptus largeana Eucalyptus largiflorens Eucalyptus latens Eucalyptus lateritica Eucalyptus latisinensis Eucalyptus lehmannii Eucalyptus leprophloia Eucalyptus leptocalyx Eucalyptus leptophleba Eucalyptus leptophylla Eucalyptus leptopoda Eucalyptus lesouefii Eucalyptus leucophloia Eucalyptus leucophylla Eucalyptus leucoxylon Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosae Eucalyptus ligulata Eucalyptus ligustrina Eucalyptus limitaris Eucalyptus lirata Eucalyptus litoralis Eucalyptus litorea Eucalyptus livida Eucalyptus lockyeri Eucalyptus longicornis Eucalyptus longifolia Eucalyptus longirostrata Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus lucasii Eucalyptus lucens Eucalyptus luculenta Eucalyptus luehmanniana Eucalyptus luteola Eucalyptus macarthuri Eucalyptus macarthurii Eucalyptus mackintii Eucalyptus macquoidii Eucalyptus macrandra Eucalyptus macrocarpa Eucalyptus macrorhyncha Eucalyptus maculata citriodora Eucalyptus magnificata Eucalyptus major Eucalyptus malacoxylon Eucalyptus mannensis Eucalyptus mannifera Eucalyptus marginata Eucalyptus obliqua Eucalyptus obtusiflora Eucalyptus occidentalis Eucalyptus ochrophloia Eucalyptus odontocarpa Eucalyptus odorata Eucalyptus oldfieldii Eucalyptus oleosa Eucalyptus olida Eucalyptus oligantha Eucalyptus olivina Eucalyptus ollaris Eucalyptus olsenii Eucalyptus opaca Eucalyptus ophitica Eucalyptus optima Eucalyptus oraria Eucalyptus orbifolia Eucalyptus ordiana Eucalyptus oreades Eucalyptus orgadophila Eucalyptus orientalis Eucalyptus ornata Eucalyptus ovata Eucalyptus ovularis Eucalyptus oxymitra Eucalyptus pachycalyx Eucalyptus pachyloma Eucalyptus pachyphylla Eucalyptus paedoglauca Eucalyptus paliformis Eucalyptus paludicola Eucalyptus panda Eucalyptus paniculata Eucalyptus pantoleuca Eucalyptus paralimnetica Eucalyptus parramattensis Eucalyptus parvifolia Eucalyptus parvula Eucalyptus patellaris Eucalyptus patens Eucalyptus pauciflora Eucalyptus pauciflora alpina Eucalyptus pauciflora niphophila Eucalyptus pauciseta Eucalyptus peeneri Eucalyptus pellita Eucalyptus pendens Eucalyptus peninsularis Eucalyptus perangusta Eucalyptus percostata Eucalyptus perriniana Eucalyptus persistens Eucalyptus petiolaris Eucalyptus petraea Eucalyptus petrensis Eucalyptus phaenophylla Eucalyptus phenax Eucalyptus phoenicea Eucalyptus phylacis Eucalyptus pilbarensis Eucalyptus pileata Eucalyptus pilligaensis Eucalyptus pilularis Eucalyptus pimpiniana Eucalyptus piperita Eucalyptus placita Eucalyptus planchoniana Eucalyptus planipes Eucalyptus platycorys Eucalyptus platyphylla Eucalyptus platypus Eucalyptus plenissima Eucalyptus pleurocarpa Eucalyptus pleurocorys Eucalyptus pluricaulis Eucalyptus polita Eucalyptus polyanthemos Eucalyptus polybractea Eucalyptus pontis Eucalyptus populnea Eucalyptus porosa Eucalyptus portuensis Eucalyptus praecox Eucalyptus praetermissa Eucalyptus prava Eucalyptus preissiana Eucalyptus prolixa Eucalyptus prominens Eucalyptus propinqua Eucalyptus protensa Eucalyptus provecta Eucalyptus pruiniramis Eucalyptus pruinosa Eucalyptus psammitica Eucalyptus pseudoglobulus Eucalyptus pterocarpa Eucalyptus pulchella Eucalyptus pulverulenta Eucalyptus pumila Eucalyptus punctata Eucalyptus pyrenea Eucalyptus pyriformis Eucalyptus pyrocarpa Eucalyptus pyrophora Eucalyptus quadrangulata Eucalyptus quadrans Eucalyptus quadricostata Eucalyptus quaerenda Eucalyptus quinniorum Eucalyptus racemosa Eucalyptus radiata Eucalyptus rameliana Eucalyptus rariflora Eucalyptus raveretiana Eucalyptus ravida Eucalyptus recta Eucalyptus recurva Eucalyptus redacta Eucalyptus redimiculifera Eucalyptus reducta Eucalyptus redunca Eucalyptus regnans Eucalyptus relicta Eucalyptus remota Eucalyptus repullulans Eucalyptus resinifera Eucalyptus retinens Eucalyptus rhodantha Eucalyptus rhombica Eucalyptus rigens Eucalyptus rigidula Eucalyptus risdonii Eucalyptus rivularis Eucalyptus robusta Eucalyptus rodwayi Eucalyptus rosacea Eucalyptus rostratus Eucalyptus roycei Eucalyptus rubida Eucalyptus rubiginosa Eucalyptus rudderi Eucalyptus rudis Eucalyptus rugosa Eucalyptus rummeryi Eucalyptus rupestris Eucalyptus salicola Eucalyptus saligna Eucalyptus salmonophloia Eucalyptus salubris Eucalyptus sargentii Eucalyptus saxatilis Eucalyptus scias Eucalyptus scoparia Eucalyptus scyphocalyx Eucalyptus seeana Eucalyptus selachiana Eucalyptus semota Eucalyptus sepulcralis Eucalyptus serraensis Eucalyptus sessilis Eucalyptus sheathiana Eucalyptus shirleyi Eucalyptus sicilifolia Eucalyptus siderophloia Eucalyptus sideroxylon Eucalyptus sieberi Eucalyptus signata Eucalyptus similis Eucalyptus singularis Eucalyptus smithii Eucalyptus socialis Eucalyptus sparsa Eucalyptus sparsicoma Eucalyptus sparsifolia Eucalyptus spathulata Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa Eucalyptus splendens Eucalyptus sporadica Eucalyptus spreta Eucalyptus squamosa Eucalyptus staeri Eucalyptus staigeriana Eucalyptus steedmanii Eucalyptus stellulata Eucalyptus stenostoma Eucalyptus stoatei Eucalyptus stowardii Eucalyptus striaticalyx Eucalyptus stricklandii Eucalyptus stricta Eucalyptus strzeleckii Eucalyptus sturgissiana Eucalyptus subangusta Eucalyptus subcrenulata Eucalyptus suberea Eucalyptus sublucida Eucalyptus subtilis Eucalyptus suffulgens Eucalyptus suggrandis Eucalyptus surgens Eucalyptus symonii Eucalyptus synandra Eucalyptus talyuberlup Eucalyptus tardecidens Eucalyptus taurina Eucalyptus tectifica Eucalyptus tenella Eucalyptus tenera Eucalyptus tenuipes Eucalyptus tenuiramis Eucalyptus tenuis Eucalyptus tephroclada Eucalyptus tephrodes Eucalyptus terebra Eucalyptus tereticornis Eucalyptus terminalis Eucalyptus terrica Eucalyptus tessellaris Eucalyptus tetragona Eucalyptus tetrapleura Eucalyptus tetraptera Eucalyptus tetrodonta Eucalyptus thamnoides Eucalyptus tholiformis Eucalyptus thozetiana Eucalyptus tindaliae Eucalyptus tinghaensis Eucalyptus tintinnans Eucalyptus todtiana Eucalyptus tokwa Eucalyptus torquata Eucalyptus tortilis Eucalyptus trachybasis Eucalyptus transcontinentalis Eucalyptus tricarpa Eucalyptus triflora Eucalyptus trivalvis Eucalyptus tumida Eucalyptus ultima Eucalyptus umbra Eucalyptus umbrawarrensis Eucalyptus uncinata Eucalyptus urna Eucalyptus urnigera Eucalyptus urnularis Eucalyptus utilis Eucalyptus uvida Eucalyptus valens Eucalyptus varia Eucalyptus vegrandis Eucalyptus vernicosa Eucalyptus verrucata Eucalyptus vesiculosa Eucalyptus vicina Eucalyptus victoriana Eucalyptus victrix Eucalyptus viminalis Eucalyptus virens Eucalyptus virginea Eucalyptus viridis Eucalyptus vokesensis Eucalyptus volcanica Eucalyptus walshii Eucalyptus wandooWandoo Eucalyptus websteriana Eucalyptus whitei Eucalyptus wilcoxii Eucalyptus williamsiana Eucalyptus willisii Eucalyptus woodwardii Eucalyptus wubinensis Eucalyptus wyolensis Eucalyptus x bennettiae Eucalyptus x missilis Eucalyptus x stoataptera Eucalyptus xanthoclada Eucalyptus xanthonema Eucalyptus xerothermica Eucalyptus yalatensis Eucalyptus yarraensis Eucalyptus yilgarnensis Eucalyptus youmanii Eucalyptus youngiana Eucalyptus yumbarrana Eucalyptus zopherophloia |
*See: Eucalyptus characteristics
More information on eucalyptus.