Echinacea in other languages

How to say white echinacea in other languages?

Echinacea in Spanish, French, German, Italian…

Common English name: Echinacea

Common name in other languages:

– Spanish/Español: Equinácea de hoja estrecha, equinácea, rudbeckia morada, sombreros de sol, flor púrpura

– French/Français: Échinacée pourpre, échinacée noire à feuilles étroites

– Catalan/Català: Equinàcia

– Basque/Euskara: Echinacea

– Galego/Galician: Equinacea

– Portuguese/Português: Equinacea

Echinacea flowers
Echinacea flowers.

– Italian/Italiano: Echinacea, echinacea  viola a foglie strette, l’echinacea blacksamson

– Romanian/Româna: Coneflower purpură cu frunze înguste, blacksamson echinacea

– Magyar/Hungarian: Kasvirág

– Dutch/Nederlands: Rode Zonnehoed

– German/Deutsch: Schmalblättriger Igelkopf

– Polish/Polski: Jeżówka wąskolistna

– Danish/Dansk: Purpursolhat

– Norwegian/Norsk bokmål: Smalbladet solhatt

– Finnish/Suomi: Punahatut,  kaitapäivänhattu

– Swedish/Svenska: Solhatt,

– Russian: Эхинáцея

– Türkçe/Turkish: Dar yapraklı kirpi otu

  • Scientific name: Echinacea angustifolia / Echinacea purpurea / Echinacea pallida

punto rojo More information on echinacea

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

2 July, 2021

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