Chrysanthemum characteristics

What is a chrysanthemum?

Characteristics of chrysanthemums

The genus “Chrysanthemum includes some 37 species of plants from eastern Asia. They belong to the family of Compositae.

Wild chrysanthemums are perennial herbs or shrubs up to five feet tall.

Their leaves are lanceolate, lobed and very fragrant.

Their large flowers, like those of daisies, can be white, pink or yellow. They appear in the fall.

History of chrysanthemus

Chrysanthemum cultivation began in China about 2500 years. It arrived in Europe in the seventeenth century, where it was named Chrysanthemum, from the Greek word “krysous = gold” and “anthemon = flower.” It is called so because most primitive flowers had this color.

Commonly, they are also called mums or chrysanths

In the nineteenth century their cultivation expands in in Europe. Numerous varieties are currently grown in many countries. In hot countries, they are cultivated outdoors, but in colder countries they are used as a cut flower, usually grown in greenhouses.

punto rojo More information on chrysanthemum

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

25 June, 2024

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