What is a basil plant?
Characteristics of basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Common noun: Basil, sweet basil.
Scientific noun: Ocimum basilicum L.
Family. Mint family – Lamiaceae
Habitat: Garden plant, native from India.
Annual herb up to 1 m. Erect stems, round below, squared above. Ovate or lanceolate leaves, opposite till 5 cm long, long petiolated, darker above.
Botanical description of Basil
Very odorous flowers grouped in spikes, loose verticils with 6 flowers each.
Calyx with 6 lobes, edge-ciliated. White or pink corolla, stamens white. Upper lip with 4 lobes, lower one undivided.
Picking-up and storing basil leaves and flowers
Leaves and floral summits should be collected in summer. They must be dried in the shade and be kept in crystal containers very well closed.
Active components of Basil
Essence with linanol, estragole and eugenol.
More information on basil