What is an aloe vera?
Characteristics of Aloe vera
Common nouns: Aloe, Aloe Vera, First Aid Plant, Medicinal Aloe, Barbados aloe
Scientific noun: Aloe vera (L.) Burm

Family: Liliaceae
Habitat: Native form India, it can be found naturalized in the north of Africa and more rarely in the south of Europe.
Description of Aloe vera
Perennial plant of the Lily family – Liliaceae – up to 60 cm.
Succulent leaves in basal rosette, lanceolate, with the margin covered with thorns, glaucous and with reddish tones.
Yellow, bell- shaped, hanging flowers, till 2,5 cm in terminal spikes on woody cylindrical stems, without leaves.
Composition: Active components of Aloe vera
- Acids: glutamic, aspartic, aloetic, formic, palmitic and estearic acids. (Plant) ascorbic acid (Leaves)
- Essential oils: Cineole, cariofilene, pinene,
- Minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, aluminium, (Leaves)
- Amino acids: Aloin, aloesin, arginine, barbaloin, glycine, glutamine, histidine,serine (Plant)
- Thiamin
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