Elisenda Carballido
Elisenda Carballido, collaborator of Botanical online
Elisenda Carballido is a nutritionist, an expert in Phytotherapy and a Master in Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Barcelona. She collaborates with Botanical-online project since 2012.
Vocational education and training
- Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at Ramón Llull University
- Master degree in Nutrition and Metabolism at Barcelona University and Rovira and Virgili University
- Master degree in Clinical Phytotherapy at University of Barcelona IL-3
- Course of Home remedies preparation with edible, medicinal and cosmetic plants , provided by Astrid van Ginkel of Fitomón
- Clinical Nutrition Course at the Institute of Nutrition and Health Sciences
- Naturist Dietetic Course at Roger de Llúria Institute
- Assistance to various congresses and conferences dealing with culinary culture, clinical nutrition and phytotherapy
- Other courses on wild edible plants, healthy cooking and web application development.
Current occupation
She currently teaches talks and workshops related to healthy eating and directs Botanical-online projects related to food, medicinal plants, recipes and special diets.
She is part of the edible Natura team, dedicated to the popularization of the edible uses of wild plants. It also collaborates with the Eixarcolant project.
She is co-author of the book “Hierbas a la carta” together with Montserrat Enrich ( Cossetania Editorial).