What is a green anaconda?
Characteristics of green anacondas
Common names: Green anaconda / Common anaconda / Water anaconda
Scientific name : Eunectus murinus
– Common names in other languages
- Español / Spanish: Anaconda común / Anaconda verde
- Français / French: Grand anaconda
- Català / Catalan: Anaconda comuna / Anaconda verda
- Galego / Galician: Anaconda común / Anaconda verde
- Euskara / Basque:Anakonda arrunt
- Italiano / Italian: Anaconda verde
- Português / Portuguese: Sucuri-verde
- Deutsch / German: Anakonda
- Russian / Русский: Анаконда
- Dutch / Nederlands: Anaconda
- Română / Romanian: Anaconda / Boa de apă
- Svenska / Swedish: Grön anakonda
– Scientific classification:
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Boidae
- Length: 6 m.
- Habitat: Jungles, rivers, lakes, ponds.
- Geographic range: South America (Guyana, Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru).
- Food habits: Carnivorous (fish, amphibians, birds, mammals (rodents: capybaras, peccaries, deer), snakes, turtles, alligators).
- Behavior: Solitary, nocturnal.
- Reproduction: Viviparous. Gestation: 7 months. Birth: 20 – 40 babies.
- Enemies: Caimans, jaguars
- Lifespan: Up to 30 years.
Physical description of green anacondas
Green anacondas are non-poisonous large snakes from South America.
Anacondas belong to boas and pythons family, that is, these species have the largest snakes in the world.
These reptiles show a olive green coloration with spots all over their body and a darker one on their head.
Anaconda behavior
These animals are great swimmers, hence they are also known as water anacondas.
Green anacondas remain resting, during the day, between branches or in water. At night, these snakes are active and they are dedicated to hunting.
Green anaconda food habits
Because of their great ability to open their mouth, these animals are capable of swallowing preys larger than them.
Green anacondas can be a week time without eating when they can capture a large prey, although normally these reptiles feed on smaller preys.
These reptiles must consume food regularly.
Where do green anacondas live?
These snakes live in aquatic environments in calm waters, in the humid tropical northern zone of South America.
More information on other wild animals.