Low oxalate diet
Why to control oxalates in food?

People suffering from a tendency to develop calcium-oxalate kidney stones, those suffering for arthritis or gout should avoid eating high oxalate food.
An oxalate diet needs to limit the ingest of oxalates to 40 o 50 mg a day.
High content oxalate food contains more than 10 mg of oxalate per serving. Moderate oxalate food has from 2 to 10 mg per serving. Low oxalate content food has less than 2 mg per serving.
Low oxalate diet
For a low oxalate diet, high content oxalate food should be avoided. Moderate oxalate foods and drinks should be limited to a maximum of two o three servings per day, whereas low oxalate food and drink is not restricted at all in this type of diet.
However, there are some foods or drinks included in the low content or moderate content that can cause irritation to some people, because of their acidity, such as coffee or citrus. In this case, we should take them cautiously, till we get used to them.
The following chart shows a classification of many different foods according to their oxalate content.
Oxalate content of food
Chart of oxalates in food | ||
Low content (- 2 mg serving) | Moderate content (between 2 and 10 mg / serving) | High content (+ than 10 mg / serving) |
Drinks | Drinks | Drinks |
Apple juiceApricot nectar Barley water Buttermilk Cherry juice Cider Coke Cola grapefruit juice Grapefruit juice Green tea Lemon juice Lemonade Lime juice Orange soda Pepsi Pineapple juice Root Beer Water Wine | Beer (stout/draft)Brewed coffee Carrot juice Coffee Cranberry juice Grape juice Green tea Guinness draft beer Mate tea Orange juice Orangeade Rose hip tea Tomato juice Twinings black currant tea | Beer – (lager/ draft)Black tea Blackberry juice Blueberry juice Chocolate milk Cocoa Currant juice Dewberry juice Gooseberry juice Grape juice Indian tea Instant coffee Lemon peel Lime peel Orange peel Raspberry juice Soy drinks Strawberry juice Tangerine juice |
Fruits | Fruits | Fruits |
AvocadoBananas Canned peaches Canned pears Cantaloupe Casaba Cherries Golden raisins Grapefruit Grapes (Green) Huckleberries Orange juice Mangoes Melons Papaya Passion fruit Raisins (¼ cup) Watermelon | ApplesApplesauce Apricots Black currants Coconut Cranberries Grapefruit Grapes Green plums Mandarin orange Lemon peel Orange peel Pineapples Plums (purple and Damson) Prunes Red raspberries Sour cherries | BlackberriesBlueberries Dewberries Dewberries Elderberries Figs Fruit cocktail Gooseberries Grapes (Concord grapes) Lime peel Raspberries (Black) Strawberries Tamarillo Tangerines |
Dairy products | Dairy products | Dairy products |
ButterButtermilk Cheese Fruit yogurts Milk Natural whole yogurt Nonfat yogurt | None | chocolate milksoy cheese soy milk soy yogurt |
Legumes, seeds and nuts | Legumes, seeds and nuts | Legumes, seeds and nuts |
CoconutLentils Water chestnuts | Lima beansDried peas Chick peas | BeansGarbanzo beans Sesame seeds Soya beans Tofu |
Vegetables | Vegetables | Vegetables |
Alfalfa sproutsCabbage Cauliflower Chives Green peas Kohlrabi Lettuce (iceberg) Mung bean sprouts Pepper (red) Squash Turnips (roots) | ArtichokesAsparagus Broccoli Brussel sprouts Canned peas Carrots (boiled) Corn Cucumber (1 medium) Parsley Eggplant Kohlrabi Lettuce (Boston/iceberg (1 cup) Lima beans Mushrooms Onions Peppers, green (½ medium) Peeled potatoes (white, russet) Potato chips (Less than 100 g) Potato salad (¼ cup) Radishes Snow peas Tomato (sauce – canned (¼ cup-) Tomato (fresh) Tomato soup Turnips Vegetable soup | beans (baked, green,kidney, dry)Beet greens Beet root Carrots (raw, steamed) Collards Escarole Kale Olives Parsnips Peppers (green and chili) Pokeweed Popcorn Potato chips (More than 100 g) (baked, fried or boiled) Rhubarb Rutabagas Tomato sauce (canned) Turnip |
Grains | Grains | Grains |
Cereals (corn or rice) Cheerios Chicken noodle soup Cornflakes Cornstarch (1 tbsp) Egg noodles English muffin Macaroni Pasta (plain) Rice (white/wild) Rye bread | BagelBarley Bread (white) Corn Corn tortilla Cornbread Cornmeal Cornstarch Oatmeal Oatmeal (¼ cup) Plain flour Ravioli (without sauce) Rice (brown) Spaghetti Wheat | AmaranthBread (whole wheat) Cereal (bran or high Crispbread (rye or fiber) fruit cake Graham crackers Graham flour Grits Kamut Popcorn (4 cups, popped) Pretzels Spelt Stone ground flour Wheat bran wheat) Whole wheat flour Yellow Dock |
Fats | Fats | Fats |
ButterMargarine Mayonnaise Salad dressing Vegetable oils | None | Sesame oil |
Condiments | Condiments | Condiments |
Basil (up to 1 tsp)Chives cinnamon corn syrup dill honey jelly from low ketchup (1 Tbsp) Mustard, Dijon (up 1 tbsp) Nutmeg, dry (up 1 tsp) Oregano (up 1 tsp) oxalate fruits peppermint Salt sugar vinegar white pepper | Basil, fresh (1 tbsp)Cinnamon (1 tsp) Dill (1 tbsp) Ginger (1 tsp) Malt (1 tbsp) Mustard (½ cup) Nutmeg (1 tbsp) Pepper (1 tsp) | black pepper (more than 1 tbsp)Cinnamon (1½ tsps or more) Ginger (1 tbsp) Soy sauce |
Meats | Meats | Meats |
BaconBeef Chicken Corned beef, canned Eggs Fish (except sardines) Ham Hamburger Lamb Pork Poultry Shellfish Turkey | Bacon (More than 9 slices)Kidneys Liver Sardines | None |
Other | Other | Other |
Apple ciderCarob Gelatin (unflavored) Hard candy Jell-O gelatin lemon juice lime juice Vinegar | gingermalt (up to 1 tbsp) | ChocolateCocoa (dry powder) Ovaltine (powder) |
More information about oxalates.