A plant for diseases of the legs
Drawing of detail of cypress leaves and fruits.
One of the main medicinal properties of the cypress is its ability to treat diseases of the circulatory system with bleeding problems or inflammations of the veins. This type of abnormality is a frequent cause of pain in the lower extremities.
The hemostatic, and vasoconstrictive venotonic properties of this plant are used for the treatment of circulatory abnormalities such as:
- Varices: The protection and antiinflammation protection of the veins may be used in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs helping sick people to reduce pain and swelling. Also its ability to stop bleeding varices can be used when presenting with wounds. Its richness in tannins help disinfect and cure this type of leg ulcers. (Decoction for about 10 minutes of two tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water. Strain and let it cool. Take seven tablespoons daily) (For external use, a gauze with the liquid from the decoction applied on the affected area, including on ulcers or sores).
- Varicose veins in the spermatic cord veins: Varicose dilation of the spermatic vein of scrotum produces varicocele.. This type of varices, in addition to be annoying, are often painful and require the use of surgery. Sometimes male infertility problems are caused by the presence of these veins in the scrotum, because they can produce sperm infertility. The protective and disinflammatory capacity for veins of cypress can be used in the treatment of this anomaly to decrease swelling, reduce pain and increase the chances of male fertility. (Decoction for about 10 minutes of two tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water. Strain and cool. Take seven tablespoons daily)
- Phlebitis: Inflammation of the veins, especially of the lower extremities, can also be remedied with the use of preparations of this plant. (Take 20 drops of fluid extract sold in pharmacies or herbalists half hour before the three main meals) (In external use apply a gauze soaked in the resulting liquid of mixing 100 drops of fluid extract per liter of water)
Astringent and hemostatic properties of cypress
Cypresses along a pathway in Toscana (Italy)
Tannins have a role in accelerating wound healing and hemostasis, that’s to say stop bleeding.
Healing occurs by the formation of crusts by binding proteins with the tannins and create a “dry” means that prevents bacterial growth.
By constricting blood vessels, They help blood clotting and thus contribute to healing wounds. The astringent and hemostatic capacity provided by the high level of tannins of this plant can be used in the treatment of the following anomalies:
- Hemorrhoids: The preparations of cypress help reduce swelling and decrease the unpleasant discomfort of hemorrhoids. (Decoction for 10 minutes of a couple of tablespoons of nuts per liter of water. Drink two glasses a day before meals) (Apply externally a cypress hemorrhoid ointment sold in pharmacies under the terms of the prospectus) (Washes or enemas with the liquid from the decoction for 12 minutes of 30 g of fruit per liter of water)
- Diarrhea: The astringent capacity of the cypress is used to combat diarrhea. (20 drops of tincture that can be bought in pharmacies and herbalist’s before three main meals)
- Hemorrhages: It can be used externally to stop the bleeding of a vein generally produced by sores, cuts or wounds. At the same time, as it stops blood loss, it exerts a disinfectant and protective function that helps prevent the injury from becoming infected. (Apply a compress with the liquid from the decoction for 10 minutes of four tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water)
- Nosebleeds: It has been tested the capacity of this plant to stop bleeding, including nose bleeding. His power is determined by its hemostatic properties to strengthen the nose capillaries. (A couple of cups before the two main meals of the decoction of a couple of tablespoons of crushed dried green fruits per liter of water for 5 minutes. Let stand for about 12 minutes before drinking) (In external use, you can reinforce this treatment by inhaling the vapors of hot water in which 7 drops of essential oil per liter of water have been added.)
- Metrorrhagia: Its capacity to stop bleeding is used in case of too abundant menstruations or in disorders that are originated especially with menopause (A couple of cups before the two main meals of the decoction of a couple of tablespoons of crushed dry green fruit per liter of water for 5 minutes. Let stand for about 12 minutes before drinking)
*Related information:
More information on cypress properties and toxicity