What are the medicinal uses of cashew tree?

Cashew tree fruits are mainly used as food. (See information in the listing below). However, cashew plant also has medicinal properties that have been used in herbal medicine.
Depending on the part of the plant we use, we obtain different properties and medicinal effects
Cashew remedies for internal use
Diarrhea: The bark of cashews, because it contains tannins, is often used as a remedy for diarrhea. Moreover, the macerated roots are also indicated as antidiarrheal.
- Hypotension: The infusion of the leaves are reported as hypertensive, in cases where blood pressure should be increased
- Bronchitis: Infusion of leaves is used as as an expectorant to clear the airways clogged with mucus.
- Pregnancy: The bark of the cashew plant is contraceptive. This has been used as a decoction to prevent pregnancy, as a contraceptive method.
- Stimulant: Cashew fruits are attributed with stimulant medicinal properties.
- Sore throat: The fermented juice of cashew fruit is used because of its beneficial properties against dysentery or, unfermented, in sore throats.
Other uses of cashew
Other remedies can be treed with the maceration of cashew tree bark in cold water at the rate of 100 grams per liter. The liquid resulting from this maceration in a dose of about 3 cups daily is used for memory problems, fluid retention and nerve problems.
Preparations with cashew tree for external use
Cashew vulnerary properties come from its richness in tannins and the nature of its resins and oils. Since oil and phenolic resin have acidic properties, they effectively eliminate many skin affectations, help skin healing, harden it or provide it with a greater resistance against infections.
- Skin diseases: The resin and oil from seed can be used against skin blisters, eczema, psoriasis and other similar anomalies. (Apply the diluted resin or the diluted oil on the affected part of the skin)
- Calluses or warts: When cashew resin has not been diluted, it offers caustic properties so it can be used to remove corns, warts (Cover the area where the corn or wart is with tape, leaving uncovered the part that corresponds to the corn or wart and cover the healthy part of the skin so that this application does not affect it. Otherwise, it may burn the skin area adjacent to the callus or wart. Apply cashew resin on the callus or wart to “burn” them)
- Natural toothpaste: Cashew fresh leaves, if chewed like gum, are used to maintain oral hygiene.
Cashews edible oil
From cashews we can produce edible oil, suitable for human consumption. This oil is extracted by cold pressing systems such as those used in the extraction of extra virgin olive oil.
* More information:
More information on cashews.